
Flyers and Posters

The flyers and posters to promote World Yoga Day among your students are ready. We made layouts in English, Portugese and German. The layouts are kept simple and you can alter them in language or any other specific needs quiet easily. Feel free to use them as you like or to make your own promotional material. Putting up posters and handing out flyers at the the end of your class will give a big push to our event. We hope you have fun with it.

Poster in English (81 KB)
Flyer in English (100 KB)
Poster in Portugese (82 KB)
Flyer in Portugese (118 KB)
Poster in German (82 KB)
Flyer in German (107 KB)

Banner for your website

Below you find different layouts of the WORLD YOGA DAY Logo to place on your website. Feel free to use them as you like.

Full banner (468x60 pixels)
World yoga day 2007: read more about the idea and join the first non-profit 24 hour yoga marathon for charity.
HTML code to include into your page:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="World yoga day 2007: read more about the idea and join the first non-profit 24 hour yoga marathon for charity." border="0"></a>
Vertical banner (120x240 pixels)
World yoga day 2007: read more about the idea and join the first non-profit 24 hour yoga marathon for charity.
HTML code to include into your page:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="World yoga day 2007: Let's join forces to contribute to the elimination of violence against women and girls in Afghanistan! Click here to join." border="0"></a>

Ressources for printing

Scalable Logo
Logo including blue 'WORLD YOGA DAY' (800x300 pixels, 300 dpi)
Logo without blue 'WORLD YOGA DAY' (500x275 pixels, 300 dpi)

Ressources for webdesign

Logo including blue 'WORLD YOGA DAY' (200x100 pixels, 72 dpi)